Hotel Case Studies
Featured Case: Hyatt Denver Convention Center

Hyatt Denver Convention Center Hotel is a sight to behold. With 1.25 million square feet, 1100 rooms, and 600 underground parking spaces, it is a feat of modern engineering. That’s why we’re keeping it running.
The road forward wasn’t always this easy, however. Hyatt needed equipment capable of providing comfort, heat, and hot water on a massive scale. That’s not something just anyone can do. When IDC Associates was tasked with finding a way to make this happen, they knew where to turn.
With an impressive array of Unilux success stories in the area, it didn’t take much to convince Hyatt that we had the expertise. With the evidence all around them, they purchased two Unlilux ZF-100W Water Boilers and two Unilux ZF-200W Water Boilers, knowing they would meet their requirements.
The installation was a success, and their system has been running smoothly ever since. The Hyatt Denver Convention Center can now be added to our long, growing, list of success stories, proudly displaying the power, safety and affordability, that comes with Unilux.