Unilux Site-Assembled Boiler Solutions

Eliminate Installation Headaches

Site-Assembled Boiler Delivery

Let Unilux Build Your Boiler On Site

Unilux is the industry leader in site-assembled boiler solutions. We take care of everything: site survey, access determination, component customization, delivery, rigging, testing, final assembly and clean up.

Site-Assembled Unilux Force Power Boiler

Unilux offers a site-assembly option on a full range of watertube and firetube boilers, including ASME Section I boilers.

Unilux and Unilux Force Power boilers are intelligently engineered to ship in components that can be assembled in place without extensive site preparation or significant disruption to building systems or processes.

And because our boilers are assembled by trained company personnel, we take full responsibility for all required ASME field testing, witnessing and ASME paperwork and certifications.

Site assembly is the ideal solution for urban boiler replacement, and a great option for customers who wish to cut loose from utility steam.


TO LEARN MORE: Call (518) 344-7490, email contact@uniluxam.com
or send a message using the form below.

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